To support learning during this time, we have put together some timetables to provide guidance and support for home learning. For each Key Stage, you will find a timetable, which links directly with the resources that have been uploaded to our Resources for School Closure page or work set as ‘2Dos’ on Purple Mash.
Key Stage 1
If your child takes part in Phonics (RWI) lessons, please use this home learning timetable.
If your child no longer takes part in phonics and has now moved to reading lessons, please use this home learning timetable.
Key Stage 2
For children who are in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, please follow this home learning timetable.
If you require login information for Purple Mash, please contact the front office or use the year group email addresses to ask the teacher directly. These email addresses can also be used to seek support regarding your child’s learning whilst at home or to share photos and examples of work they have completed to celebrate on our website.

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