History at Berrybrook
At Berrybrook Primary School, we believe it is important that children understand history is the story of things that happened in the past. The children will learn how the past has shaped and determined how we live in the present and future which will develop their skills to allow them to analyse, explain and critique previous complex issues.
We teach our History through the Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC). The PKC history curriculum allows children to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local, British, and world history. The knowledge in the curriculum has been carefully chosen and sequenced using a largely chronological approach. Each unit of work is not a stand-alone topic, but a chapter in the story of the history of Britain and the wider world. It guides children to become more rounded, informed, and inquisitive individuals who can contribute to society through making critically informed decisions, judgements and answer more complex questions.
The children will learn about ancient civilisations, the expansion and dissolutions of empires, and the achievements and atrocities committed by humankind across the ages. The PKC history curriculum is balanced to enable children to look in some depth at local and global history. The key stories and events from different periods will allow children to appreciate, recognise and understand different cultures, ideas and traditions which are typically not their own and thus, allowing them to become a respectful British Citizen.