At Berrybrook Primary school the happiness, safety and wellbeing of our pupils is at the centre of everything we do. In this rapidly changing digital world it is imperative that we prepare our pupils with the knowledge and skills to remain safe online.In order to achieve this, we provide our pupils, parents and staff with opportunities to learn and gather skills to support their own digital safety.
Guidance on setting up new devices for children
What parents need to know about Fortnite
Pupil Friendly e-safety Policy
Safer Internet Day (SID)
Every February all of our pupils participated in activities for Safer Internet Day (SID). As part of this the pupils participated in discussions and games and are set a project at home to reflect their knowledge of digital safety.
At Berrybrook school we pride ourselves on the positive links we have with the parents of our pupils and endeavour to support them as much as we can. Therefore we hold digital safety workshops for all stakeholders at certain points throughout the year. By doing this we hope that the important messages we are sharing at school will be reflected by the parents at home.