FSM Vouchers

If you have questions regarding the FSM vouchers during school closure time. Please use the attached link for information regarding frequently asked questions. Free-school-meals-Voucher-FAQDownload

Home Learning Timetables

To support learning during this time, we have put together some timetables to provide guidance and support for home learning. For each Key Stage, you will find a timetable, which links directly with the resources that have been uploaded to our Resources for School...

E-Safety Newsletter April 2020

Our latest e-Safety newsletter has been put together to provide the latest advice and guidance regarding apps and websites that are becoming more popular during the current situation in the UK. Additionally, you will find guidance about parental controls on apple...

FSM Eligibility Letter

It is vital that we are doing all that we can to support our families during this particularly difficult time. To ensure that no one who is entitled to Free School Meals is missing out we have decided to gather information from families who could potentially be...

Academy Trust Easter Letter to Parents

As we approach the Easter break after what has been an incredibly challenging few weeks, Mrs Cheema would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our school communities for their support. Please see this link for the most recent Trust communication parents....

Parental e-Safety Advice

Due to the current situation, many people are finding new ways to communicate with family and friends and generally spending more time on the internet than they would normally. For parental advice and guidance on what some of these apps are and how to use them safely,...