

Application Forms can be obtained from the school office or via the link below and places are allocated by the school. There are 60 Nursery places. 30 places are allocated in the morning session and the remaining 30 places are allocated in the afternoon session, meaning a child will granted either a morning or afternoon place on application. Wraparound club is also available for those who need it (charges will apply). All applicants are required to make an appointment to view the provision before applying.




Admissions Arrangements

 PHMAT Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

PHMAT Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025

PHMAT Admissions Arrangements 2025-2026

PHMAT Supplementary Information Form 2025-2026

PHMAT Admissions Arrangements 2026-2027

PHMAT Supplementary Information Form  2026-2027

Currently, all admissions are decided upon by the Local Authority (link below) except for our Nursery class.


In-Year Admissions

The admissions arrangements outlined in this section apply to in-year admissions for this and subsequent academic years.

An In-year admission is any entry to school other than at the normal point in Reception, for example, transferring school due to a move of house or personal reasons. With the exception of a child with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) requests for places in Reception after the normal round of admissions or request for places in other Year Groups should be made directly to CWC at


Girls on Roll


Boys on Roll


Please note that even if your child already has a place in the school nursery, you are still required to apply for a place in Reception.

Information with regards to admissions for Reception and the rest of the school can be found on the Wolverhampton Local Authority website on the page for school admissions.